Friday, December 27, 2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Abolish War - Oldies but goodies

Howard Zinn in May 2006 in Los Angeles.
Born on August 24, 1922 Brooklyn– Died on January 27, 2010

Favourite part is around 7'32' "Governments in history have never been dependable in taking care of the needs of people. After all, governments are not set up for that purpose. Governments are set up to serve certain interests and not the interest of the people."
"Occasionally it can get friendly when there's a great people movement that compels it to be friendly.
So it's really up to us, it is up to the people of the world to abolish war."

In one of his last interviews, Zinn stated that he would like to be remembered "for introducing a different way of thinking about the world, about war, about human rights, about equality," and for getting more people to realize that the power which rests so far in the hands of people with wealth and guns, that the power ultimately rests in people themselves and that they can use it. At certain points in history, they have used it. Black people in the South used it. People in the women's movement used it. People in the anti-war movement used it. People in other countries who have overthrown tyrannies have used it."

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

United Kingdom: general election

Encyclopedia Britannica tells you what's happening on the 12th of December 2019.
Watch this short and very well crafted video. How I admire the draughtsman
On the eve of this general election, I know what I'd vote. But many people hesitate.
And many won't vote at all. Wait and see...

 And watch the video here:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Brexit or not Brexit

Brexit, that is the question.

There will be another vote on Saturday.

Watch the video of Boris Johnson, U.K.'s current Prime Minister who came after Theresa May who  followed David Cameron who arrived after Gordon Brown following Tony Blair, a Labour ... PM after John Major, political son of the previous PM: Margaret Thatcher.
Today is October 17th, 2019.

Place your bets!

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Brian Banks and the Innocence Project

"All you can control in life is how you respond to life."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Help shouts out the Earth

Help shouts out the Earth

Seven-year-old kids say NOW!

Caption; " It's a climate emergency.Young people around the world are striking to demand governments take immediate action. Time for the grown ups to grow up."

And if you'd rather watch the latter with subtitles, go here :
Kids are quite tough to understand, aren't they?!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Edward Snowden on FRANCE 24


 [... But what’s really changed, most dramatically from the world of 2013 to the world of today (9 sept 2019) is everybody is aware that Facebook is up to no good, that Google is up to no good... ]

[... It’s technology that’s enabling this and making it all possible for the first time. ...]

Enjoy the whole video that was released on youtube on Sept. 9, 2019.
Time flies but those 6 years have been for the best.
Except for Julian Assange who is in Belmarsh Prison (U.K.)

I'm glad Edward Snowden is able to move more or less freely in Russia. 

Incredible video - explainig scale - from earth to space to human body

Monday, September 02, 2019

Back to school

You've probably heard of Greta Thunberg.
You weren't born when Severn Cullis-Suzuki took a stand in the Rio Summit. 
It took place in 1992. 
And the first international conference on the Human environment also called 'The Earth summit' (Now COP 21, COP 24... Conference Of Parties they call it these days) first took place in 1972 in Sweden.  I was 11 then... 47 years ago!

Severn Cullis-Suzuki is the girl at the beginning of this video that was posted on Vimeo two years ago. You were born then!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Truth about reality TV

I sure knew Reality shows had to be immoral, very wrong and the like...

I've just watched this video and since it is well subtitled, I thought I'd post it here.

I've not had TV for 40 years. Time flies. The strange skylights never appealed to me.

( The famous French Satirical weekly newspaper has, as long as I can remember, called them: "Les étranges lucarnes")

Ok, ok, I'm a screen addict too, I know, I know. Often wonder what would happen in case of a major blackout or if our governments used the kill switch. Do you? (wonder?!)

So the video below has already obtained 3.293.785 views!

Take good care all.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Whistleblowing is Key- The Iraq war was based on lies. That's a FACT

Beginning of the trailer. And I can't help remembering 
what  some minister of propaganda once said. 
When reality exceeds fiction, again :-)
Tony Blair : - What we know is that Saddam has this material.

Keira Knightley’s character :
We don’t know that, I mean, he just keeps repeating the lie.
Just because you’re the Prime Minister, it doesn’t mean you’re allowed to 
make up your own facts.

As Julian Assange said :  "It's not conspiracy when you have proof."
Try to open your minds all and ecosia (I know, google has appeared in language)
Julian Assange. Got it?

Monday, May 13, 2019

#GreenNewDeal ...about time

I can't embed the video. Too bad. Watch it !

Thursday, April 11, 2019

#trashtag challenge - Clean and cleaner

Thanks to Nasra for the pictures. Here is one!
M. Tschens, our headmaster is proud of you but was surprised to hear 8 bags had been filled.
Read the comments and leave one. You might be rewarded for it. You never know!
And also, do you see the class keyring? Answer in the comments, thx.

Friday, March 29, 2019

#Trashtag challenge

Don’t be surprised to see 2nde B students picking up litter and therefore, cleaning Arago High School next Tuesday, April 2nd, from 11 to twelve.
This is OUR school. We want it pristine, we don’t want it dirty.

It’s the #Trashtag challenge. You know, clearing a space from all trash being carelessly thrown away by irresponsible people.

We hope you’ll see the difference and PLEASE, don’t throw away anything anymore on the ground. There are trash bags. Use them ! Don’t be careless anymore.

Our environment matters !

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Upside down world map

Julian Assange's mother's message

Everyone wants "Freedom of the press" and "Freedom of expression"
Julian Assange, a journalist, one of the creators of Wikileaks that has been revealing frightful but valid pieces of information that have never been proven wrong, this gentleman, Julian Assange has been in solitary confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy for more than 6 years, having asked asylum there, in London, when the U.K was about to send him to the U.S. Rafaël Correa, the former president had given him the Ecuadorian nationality. Assange was born Australian.
Now, he's spent nearly a year without the web, he has had very few visits. Doctors and Dentists are unavailable to him.
Yet, the U.N. decided 2 years ago that he should be freed. Go figure.


The US and its migration animated map.
Earthlings we are. Wherever we go.

I'd like a similar map for France. Let's see if we can find one.