Friday, October 19, 2007


Your tired teacher needs some feed-back from you to cheer her up...
Please, do leave a comment or send a mail in the week to come.
And do go to "exos online" to brush up your grammar or practise your aural comprehension.
...Yes, you can also say oral.


Anonymous said...

mmmh you seem sad (or I can also say in distress)
I want to say you your blog is great, I have my BAC...
It is a success, isn't it?

Why don't you go with your pupils on the Internet to see your blog?
I think that if they see funny articles they would go on again (perhaps...)[I think, for exemple, video on irregular verbs)
I can be wrong...

But know, vivi and I love your blog, we go on when we have free time (it's rarely...) but we don't leave comments

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear Fanny! yes, that's just like you. So sweet and thoughtful.
I'm glad you did well last June. And it was all because of your hard work.
You really wanted to improve and you did with all the means you had. Including the blog. Thank you so much for visiting it regularly. You are, by far, my most faithful visitor and visible commentator.

It's just that i feel unable to teach properly these days. 2 x 55mn per week is...a real issue and it seems that i can't cope with this "saupoudrage" anymore.
Ya know... wondering whether i should quit the job or not... or quit the blog. After all, this als takes time. If it's not used by my pupils, for that is its purpose, why should I go on with it?

Anonymous said...

If you must choose: job or blog, I think the best choice is your JOB...