Friday, January 16, 2009

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley :

« What I may call : ‘The messages of Brave New World’ : that it is possible to make people contented with their servitude.
I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past but then I think it could be done even more effectively now ‘cause you could provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda. »
A.Huxley sends the following letter after the publishing
of 1984 by George Orwell)

October 21st, 1949
Dear M. Orwell, the nightmare of 1984 is destined to modulate into the nightmare of Brave New World. The change will be brought about as a resulf of a felt need for an increase in efficiency. Thank you once again for the book.
Yours sincerely.
Aldous Huxley

« What is to me very interesting. It looks as though the totalitarian regimes of the future will not be based upon terror but that they will have other means. These means that now are described as brainwashing and propaganda which will be much more efficient and much more economical than .......... force ??? and more pleasurable .................................................................................
and now there are techniques available at present which do seem to duplicate some of the techniques I invented. »

I thank those of you who will help me fill in those blanks.

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